6 References to Make the Case for Change Management
1 Mins
Updated: October 25, 2023
Published: April 9, 2015
Here at Prosci, customers and consultants often ask for references or articles to help them make the case for change management based on research data and studies by various organizations. Here are some key references that should be at your finger tips:
1. Helping Employees Embrace Change. This article provides a chart illustrating the correlation of effective change management to total value recovered based on a study with 40 projects.
LaClair, J. and Rao, R. Helping Employees Embrace Change, McKinsey Quarterly, 2002, Number 4.
2. Why CEOs Get Fired. This article presents the findings from interviews with 286 organizations who fired their CEO, listing the top-five reasons for this action. The number one reason was mismanaging change.
Murphy, M. Why CEOs get fired, Leadership Excellence, September, 2005. (research by LeadershipIQ)
3. Best Practices in Change Management report. This report provides charts showing the correlation between change management and 1) meeting project objectives and 2) staying on schedule and 3) staying on budget. These findings are from 25 years of benchmarking research and responses from more than 10,800 change management professionals around the world.
Best Practices in Change Management - 12th Edition, Prosci, 2023.
4. Creating Organizational Transformations. This study presents the findings from interviews with 3,199 executives involved in major transformations, and summarizes the key lessons learned to achieve successful change. Of the top-five lessons learned, four relate directly to effective change management.
Creating organizational transitions, McKinsey Global Survey Results, McKinsey Quarterly, July 2008.
5. Success Rates for Different Types of Organizational Change. A literature review of studies on the success rates of various types of organizational change including Strategy Deployment, Restructuring and Downsizing, Technology Change and Mergers and Acquisitions. Shows that a majority of change efforts do not meet their objectives.
Smith, M. Success Rates for Different Types of Organizational Change, ISPI January 2002
6. Making Change Work. Results from a study with over 1500 practitioners on what makes change work and strategies for improving project outcomes.
Jorgensen, H., Owen L. and Neus, A. Making Change Work Study, IBM Global Services, 2008.