How ECM Boot Camp Creates Your Roadmap for Organisational Change
3 Mins
Updated: December 19, 2024
Published: August 28, 2023
If you've spent any time with me in the training room or joined one our webinars where we get to talking about organisational change maturity growth you will have heard me say two things: building organisational change management is, in and of itself, a change initiative and must be treated as such; and, the seemingly circular statement that, change management takes change management.
Change Management Takes Change Management
Growing organisation-wide, or as we often refer to it, enterprise, change management is a project, and a highly people-dependent project at that. Hence change management takes change management.
Think about the components that need to be in place for success on any other project. I’d suggest they include:- The case for the initiative – why the change is needed and what success would look like with this project;
- An active and visible sponsor - to lead the change and ensure the necessary commitment and resourcing for it;
- A project team - to focus on the technical-side of the change. No, that doesn’t mean technology but rather the technical work to design, develop and deploy the new capability;
- Change management focus - to ensure the organisation is ready, willing and able successfully to adopt and use the new capability.
And in this instance, the new capability in question is enterprise change management (ECM): positioning our organisation so it is agile and prepared to institutionalise and embed change management as a core competency, strategic imperative, organisational value and competitive differentiator.
Of course, the Prosci change management methodology, tools and research can support us as we manage Project ECM. The Prosci Change Triangle can help us analyse whether the critical dimensions of leadership/sponsorship, project management and change management we need for success are healthy. ADKAR can enable us to get a fix on how individuals and groups in the organisation are moving through the change and to action plan to overcome any barriers existing.
Make Organisational Success of Project ECM
To position organisations to make a success of Project ECM, Prosci has released a suite of tools to support change management practice leaders. Called the ECM Roadmap, the framework offers structure and provides critical direction to the effort. I have set out below the six elements of the ECM Roadmap and headline the activities and tools involved at each stage.
We offer an open enrolment, one-day, virtual boot camp. At the boot camp we explore these six elements and offering attendees a chance to begin applying the tools and assessments and effectively to plan their Project ECM. If you are considering the need to build change management capability in your organisation, why not enrol for our next ECM boot camp and ensure your Project ECM gets off to a great start. I hope to see you there.
Get Prepared and Download: 6 Tactics for Growing Enterprise Change Capability
1. Project ECM Overview
- Treating the effort to build organisational change management capabilities and competencies as a project and as a change: Project ECM
- Clarify the difference between "change management" and "enterprise change management"
- Make the case for change management and a case for enterprise change management
- Project ECM Project Plan Template
- "Connecting the Case for ECM to Your Organisation" Template
- "Why Project ECM" Template
- Project ECM Roadmap Checklist
2. Assess Current State
- Evaluate where you are currently in the Prosci Change Management Maturity Model
- Assess how changes happen in your organisation
- Assess "Help or Hinder Factors" for ECM deployment
- Assess current view of change management
- Identify risk areas and key takeaways
- Apply findings as input to design
- Prosci Change Management Maturity Model Audit and Whitepaper
- Project ECM Current State Environmental Analysis Assessment
- How Changes Happen Worksheet
- Help or Hinder Worksheet
- People-side Analysis Worksheet
3. Define Future State
- Complete a "standing in the future" exercise
- Establish maturity level goals
- Write ECM Vision Statement
- Define Technical Side, Future State elements
- Define People Side, Future State elements
- Write Project ECM Objectives
- Create Future State metrics
- "Standing in the future" Worksheet
- Maturity Model Goal Template
- Project ECM Future State Metrics and Indicators Template
4. Design transition - technical side
- Conduct gap analysis
- Identify your starting point
- Identify your default view
- Develop leadership tactics
- Develop project tactics
- Develop skill tactics
- Develop structure tactics
- Develop process tactics
- Create overall phased plan
- Project ECM Gap Analysis Tool
- ECM Strategy Map Table
- ECM Strategy Map Starting Point Template
5. Design Transition - People side
- Apply Prosci 3-Phase Process to create strategies and plans
- Develop Awareness building tactics
- Develop Desire building tactics
- Develop Knowledge building tactics
- Develop Ability building tactics
- Develop Reinforcement building tactics
- OCM for ECM Tracing Tool
- Audience Identification Worksheet
- Project ECM ADKAR Analysis tool
6.Managing Project ECM as a project
- Conduct Prosci PCT Assessment of Project ECM
- Establish plan for future Prosci PCT Assessment
- Use project tools (statement of work, charter, project plan, business case, etc.)
- Incorporate best practices
- Project ECM PCT Assessment
- PCT Action Item Template
- PCT Over Time Assessment Tool
- ECM Best Practices Checklist Tool
We offer an open enrolment, one-day, virtual boot camp. At the boot camp we explore these six elements and offering attendees a chance to begin applying the tools and assessments and effectively to plan their Project ECM. If you are considering the need to build change management capability in your organisation, why not enrol for our next ECM boot camp and ensure your Project ECM gets off to a great start. I hope to see you there.