Case Study Graphic-01

1 mins

Using Change Management to Shift Mindsets and Succeed

Using Change Management to Shift Mindsets and Succeed

Peak engagement achieved

Performance improvement

Transformation areas activated


Following a merger, a large organisation needed to implement a new operating model within their IT department. This wasn't just a technical transformation—it required fundamental shifts in mindset, behavior, and ways of working. The challenge was to implement these significant changes while maintaining day-to-day operations and ensuring a sustainable cultural transformation. 

Initial engagement surveys highlighted the scale of the challenge, with only modest improvements in four of 11 key performance categories. The organisation needed a comprehensive approach to address this complex transformation's technical and human aspects. 

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"By focusing on mindset shifts during a complex merger, we helped this IT department achieve remarkable results—improving 10 out of 11 performance categories while creating a 79% sustainable engagement score through empowered change leadership."

— Prosci Change Management Engagement Lead


Using the Prosci Methodology, we developed a comprehensive approach focused on mindset and cultural transformation: 

  • Create clear vision alignment using the 4P's Model (Project, Purpose, Particulars, People) 
  • Establish Service Line Manager community to drive change adoption 
  • Develop customized training and coaching programs 
  • Build internal change management capabilities for sustainable success 
  • Implement regular progress monitoring through ADKAR® Assessments 
  • Engage leaders in modeling new behaviours and cultural shifts


Greater engagement  

The impact of the Prosci Methodology and comprehensive approach was clear and measurable. Within two years, engagement surveys showed remarkable improvement in 10 out of 11 performance categories, with the most significant gains in human-focused areas. The IT department achieved a sustainable engagement score of 79%, demonstrating how effective change management can drive cultural transformation while maintaining operational excellence. 

Growth in internal change capability  

Through dedicated coaching and structured development programs, we helped create a strong community of Service Line Managers who became influential change leaders. These managers not only drove immediate transformation but established new ways of working that continue to foster collaboration and innovation. The Proci Train-the-Trainer Program ensured these capabilities would remain within the organization long after the project's completion. 

Sustainable business impact  

Perhaps most importantly, this cultural transformation delivered tangible business results. The organisation successfully implemented its new operating model while maintaining day-to-day operations—a delicate balance often difficult to achieve. Enhanced customer-centricity, improved cross-team collaboration, and standardized processes created a strong foundation for future growth and adaptation. 

The remarkable improvement in engagement scores, particularly in areas focused on people and culture, validated our approach to managing complex change. By focusing on mindset shifts and behaviour change alongside technical implementation, we helped create lasting transformation that continues to deliver value.

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